How to cast love voodoo using photo

 In the articles published on spellcaster Maxim’s website the sorcerers explains how to cast a powerful voodoo love spell with gris-gris. Here’s a brief retell.

Prepare a special place for your talisman, such as an altar with a small silver plate to put your gris-gris on, three photos of the man you love or two photos of the woman you love, and two candles on the sides. The color of the candles is chosen as described above.

Every time you touch your gris-gris or meditate with it, light the candles. When you’re done, extinguish the candles by spitting on your fingers and drowsing the flame rather than blowing them out. If the candles burn down before the spell starts working, put new candles. The new candles should be one or two shades darker than the previous ones. For example, if you initially used blue candles, replace them with dark-blue ones.

It’s quite easy to perform voodoo love rituals using gris-gris.

Option 1: Print out a bunch of small couple photographs (the size of a postage stamp). Take one, put it into the sack and, without letting go of it, think about your loved one for a few minutes. Then let go of the photo, tie up the sack making 7 knots, and extinguish the candles. Leave the room and don’t come back in the next four hours.

Option 2: Every time you see the person you love, take a small talisman with you, such as his hairs, cigarette butts, food leftovers, movie or theater tickets (if you went there together) and basically anything the target touched. When you visit his place, sneak into his closet and steal a coin from the pocket of his jacket or coat. Influence him through your dreams and perform the same actions as described above.

Option 3: Wear the talisman around the neck underneath your shirt. Make sure it’s small enough to not attract unwanted attention. The amulet should contain the following three objects:

- Your hair;

- The target’s nail clipping;

- A small couple photo.

Every time you see your loved one, think about your gris-gris and imagine a ray between the sack and the middle of the chest or forehead of your loved one. Once it’s there, let it be and don’t think about it anymore.

Other methods are more difficult, so we won’t tell you about them. They are used by highly qualified enchanters, such as spellcaster Maxim. His rituals are a hundred times as powerful and last longer than the rituals of the best of African shamans. Maxim is able to make the target fall in love with you much faster than you ever will. spellcaster Maxim and let him bring love into your life with this top-class magical services meeting the highest international standards.


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